Trying to capture a glimpse of the inner personality of whomever I am photographing is my goal. This is true regardless of whether it is photographing people as part of an assignment for a magazine, a marketing project or during travel. It entails, from my perspective, engaging the subjects, if possible, in conversation, verbal or otherwise. Or, sometimes I can get the feel of the individual's typical expression by observing them from a distance.
I always photograph people only with their permission, especially if the face is highlighted. This means asking someone on the street or in a market if it is ok to take a photo and often this is done through sign language. Luckily, on many of my exotic travels with Overseas Adventure Travel (OAT), with some important exceptions, photo ops have already been cleared in many of the villages or with people we meet.
Photographing children is especially sensitive and I always ask the parents' permission and make sure they are ok if I post the photos online. On my last few trips, I've brought along tennis balls and baseball caps as ways to break the ice with children. Notice the young girl wearing a "Lake Tahoe Pizza" baseball cap and the small children with tennis balls. Yes, there is a story behind each photo, but I will spare the viewer from the details.
This gallery includes photos of people from Peru, Namibia, Botswana, Mongolia, Morocco, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. It also includes a selection of my favorites from around Yolo County, Sacramento, Kansas and the San Francisco Bay Area (as part of my "on assignment" activities).
Click on an Image Below to See it in a Larger View

Mongolia - 2018

Peru - 2019

Ollie visits Morocco - 2016

Namibia - 2015

Photo at right: My all time favorite travel people photo -- a small boy in a village we visited on the Amazon. I gave him a tennis ball and we played peek-a-boo across two small huts. Such a sweet little boy and wonderful memories.



Yolo, Sacramento and San Francisco Bay Area Regions and Kansas