I have had the great pleasure over the years, including after retirement, of being "on assignment" for several non-profits and a statewide magazine whose missions I believe in. My time and images are donated to these groups. Below are samples from my work for Western City magazine, Valley Clean Energy and the Yolo Land Trust, accompanied by "testimonials."
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On assignment for Valley Clean Energy. Sunrise over Yolo County safflower field selfie, Spring 2020
On assignment for Valley Clean Energy. Walnut Harvest, Summer 2020
Western City magazine
"Do you have some free time in the next few weeks?" the (now former) editor of Western City Magazine (the monthly magazine of the League of California Cities) would ask when she needed photos for an upcoming article or for the magazine cover. Over the last fifteen years or so, my photos have appeared on about a dozen covers and been used to illustrate numerous articles.
Click on a Western City image to see the magazine article
"Yvonne Hunter has a remarkable talent for composition and an impressive mastery of photography's technical aspects. She is equally adept at capturing action shots, candid portraits and more formal images. Her kind, friendly approach puts people at ease and produces great results.
Yvonne consistently delivers high-quality photos that tell a story and precisely fit the client's needs. I have used her for work to illustrate numerous articles and as cover images in Western City magazine. She has photographed events (like the Napa Lighted Art Festival) and many diverse types of portraits, including veterans, homeless people, school children and a police chief. Her photography is high caliber and truly exceptional."
- Jude Lemons, CEO, Tangerine Lime Communications (former editor of Western City magazine)
Valley Clean Energy
Valley Clean Energy is the public agency that buys electricity on behalf of the residents and businesses in the cities of Davis (where I live), Woodland, Winters and unincorporated Yolo County. In 2018, when VCE was getting started, I offered to donate my photography services to VCE staff and Green Ideals, VCE's marketing consultant. The results are a happy combination of art, marketing and the opportunity to explore Yolo County communities. The images are used for marketing materials, advertising (including newspapers and bus ads), presentations, bus ads and the VCE website. The VCE assignment also gives me an excuse to explore the beauty of Yolo county communities and to try to capture the essence of what it means to live in this wonderful area. It is also a way to give back to my community. www.valleycleanenergy.org

"Our collaboration with Yvonne Hunter through the past two years has been more than successful - it has been a delight. Yvonne's cooperative, can-do attitude makes her a pleasure to work with; her visual insights and willingness to stretch have reliably produced outstanding results. With Yvonne as our sole photographer for our contract with Valley Clean Energy, Green Ideals has been able to produce effective communication tools that are visually compelling, capturing the beauty and sense of place of Yolo County."
- Susan Bierzychudek, Principal and Managing Director, Green Ideals www.green-ideals.com
"When I think of Valley Clean Energy's branding, Yvonne Hunter's photography comes to mind. Her use of color, light and the subjects she photographs exemplifies our brand message. I love Yvonne's images and we are fortunate to be able to work with her. Yvonne's talent and verve come across in her photos, and she is effective in channeling her wonderful passion for photography for causes she cares about."
- Rebecca Boyles, Director of Customer Care and Marketing, Valley Clean Energy - www.valleycleanenergy.org

The Yolo Land Trust
The Yolo Land Trust works to help landowners interested in preserving their property's resources through its most common tool: a conservation easement. Conservation easements are voluntary agreements between the landowner and a non-profit organization like the Yolo Land Trust. Over the last few years, I have provided volunteer photography services to the the Yolo Land Trust to highlight their properties, market their events and capture the excitement of the annual "Day in the Country" fundraiser.

"Yvonne Hunter is a generous and talented photographer. For several years, she has donated to the Yolo Land Trust wonderful images of Yolo County farms that we now use on our website and in printed materials. Her photographs capture the beauty of our area. She also documented our signature event, A Day in the Country, multiple times. Yvonne represents the best of Yolo County, and we are grateful for her contributions to our message on the importance of saving our Yolo County Farms."
- Michele Clark, Executive Director, The Yolo Land Trust

Parkinson's Foundation Revolution 2021 Fundraiser
In June 2021, I served as volunteer photographer at the Parkinsons Foundation's second annual Revolution Fundraiser in San Francisco. My sister, who has Parkinsons, was a participant and super fundraiser for the event. It was a a fun and busy day that benefited a good cause and gave me the opportunity to see family and friends after a year of Covid-19 isolation while at the same time capturing images of everyone's energy. Driving in San Francisco was not even too bad as it was a Saturday.