This gallery includes a variety of photos: the horses of Murphy Creek and horse racing at the Alameda County Fairgrounds.
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Murphy Creek
My friend, Mary, lives in the Sierra Nevada foothills above Lodi, where she keeps a large group of horses and two very active Labrador Retrievers. Ollie, my sweet little Corgi, and I visit frequently to enjoy the open spaces, watch the dogs romp, photograph the horses and just hang out. As the "official Murphy Creek photographer" it's been great fun photographing a multi-year succession of foals, weanlings, yearlings and adults, as well as lovely landscapes.
The foals are like little clowns and are so fun to watch and photograph, although their curiosity is a challenge sometimes. Lenses are to lick and they are frequently march right up to me as I am attempting to take a photo. The photo of sweet little Norbie snatching my vest as I photograph something else (see the captioned photo below) is the funniest one of all.
This gallery shows photos of the horses that have lived at Murphy Creek over the years -- Duncan, EZ, Tuesday, Elton, Lexie, Finnegan, Oscar, Norbie, Radar, Mac, Sparkie, Uncle Murphy, Indy, and their friends. You will notice that I seem to be drawn to portraits. Enjoy.

Saying hello to baby Elton, as mom Tuesday looks on.

Baby Norbie helps compose the photo.

A Day at the Races
A few years ago, cousins Linda and Ray were visiting from Arizona and invited me to join them at the Alameda County Racetrack for a day of horse racing. We had a lovely visit and for the first time, I watched a horse race up close and personal with my camera along. Lots of fun.