Photographing animals is my favorite activity. Although driving my hybrid car around the Yolo Basin Wildlife Area close to home is not as exotic as bouncing around in an open jeep in Botswana or Tanzania, the magic and joy experienced comes as close as possible to being in Africa. Please enjoy the animals: waterfowl and birds from around California and Nebraska, wild horses from Nevada, and international wildlife.
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International Wildlife
Enjoy photos from Botswana, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Mongolia, Morocco, Peru, the Galapagos and Baja California.






California Birds, Waterfowl and Other Wildlife Plus Other U.S. Wildlife
Enjoy this assortment of birds and waterfowl (and several startled rabbit and a lazy sea otter) from California wildlife refuges: the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area, the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge, the Colusa Wildlife Refuge, Lake Solano, the Davis wetlands park and the Elkhorn Slough Refuge near Monterey.

Wild Horses in Carson Valley, Nevada

Sandhill Crane Migration, Platte River, Nebraska